Grievance Policy & Submission Form

The Canadian Doula Academy grievance policy was created to ensure professionals  continuously align with our Code of Conduct, Professional Obligations and Grievance policy at  all times. 

The integrity of our profession is a priority and our grievance policy was designed to protect our  certified professional members, the families they serve, and the community at large. 

To submit a grievance the following information must be included;  

✔ the name of the certified professional 

✔ a detailed account of the alleged event(s) or the behavior(s) in question

✔ location, date and time of event(s) 

✔ written statement(s) from any witnesses 

✔ any other relevant information or evidence

Grievance procedure 

∙ All grievances must be received within one year of the occurrence 

∙ All filed grievances will be reviewed by a grievance committee. Our committee will consist of the  Canadian Doula Academy Director and at minimum of the following; one (1) academy  instructors, one (1) advisory member, and one (1) certified Canadian Doula Academy member. 

∙ Incomplete grievances or grievances that fall outside the parameters of this policy may be  dismissed. 

∙ We reserve the right to request additional information/documentation prior to or during the  review process of any filed grievance. All requested information must be submitted within 14  days or the grievance may be dismissed.  

∙ The Canadian Doula Academy expects the person(s) filing the grievance, and the professional  member, to refrain from contacting one another, except when required by law. ∙ When a grievance has been filed against a Canadian Doula Academy certified member, the  professional will be notified in writing within 7 days. The certified member will receive a  complete copy of the grievance filed.  

∙ The Canadian Doula Academy certified member has 30 days to respond to the filed grievance.  Their own account of the event(s), or behavior(s) in question, will be required.  

∙ Written statements from witnesses and other pertinent evidence must be included in the  response from the Canadian Doula Academy professional.  

∙ The Canadian Doula Academy reserves the right to request more information from the  professional member prior to rendering a final decision. The requested information must be  received within 14 days. 

Process and Decision 

The grievance committee will review all accounts and evidence, from all involved parties, in order to  make an informed, fair, and impartial judgment to the best of their ability.  

If legal action has commenced, the Canadian Doula Academy reserves the right to delay the review and  consider the legal outcome(s) prior to any decision(s) being formally completed. 

The Canadian Doula Academy has the right to decide any and all consequences of the grievance.  

Results of the grievance process may include but are not limited to; the removal of credentials and  certification, warnings, remedial education of the professional, or dismissal of the grievance.  

The judgment of the grievance committee is final. 


The outcomes of the grievance process are not public, and Canadian Doula Academy reserves the right  to keep the outcome of the grievance process confidential between Canadian Doula Academy, the  complainant, and the professional only.  

Commitment and Compliance 

All certified professionals with the Canadian Doula Academy must agree to this system of accountability  prior to entering into the certification process and agree to abide by the decisions of the grievance  committee, with no right to loss or damages.

Grievance Form

Code of Conduct can be referenced here, and Professional Obligations document can be referenced here.

  • Prior to submission of an alleged grievance I read, understood and agree to adhere to the Canadian Doula Academy grievance policy.